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Codicote Landscape History Project
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Aim of the project

The whole community of Codicote has been given a wonderful opportunity by the awarding of a substantial grant for the investigation and presentation of the history of its landscape. This grant is one of the last to be made by the Local Heritage Initiative, a partnership between the Heritage Lottery Fund, Nationwide Building Society, and the Countryside Agency. The project will be overseen by Codicote Local History Society with the support of Codicote Environmental Partnership/Parish Environmental Action Plan, and the knowledge, skills and enthusiasm of members of these groups will be utilised to the full.

However, the project is designed to involve everyone in the parish during its three year life. We will reach out to those residents with limited time or energy to spare by presenting them with updates on our research in a number of different ways (see below). Hopefully, though, most residents will want to play a more active part in the research and interpretation.

The parish of Codicote has a history as long and detailed as any, and the evidence is there in the form of the village and the landscape around it for most periods in its history. The basic landform was created by the Ice Age. While little remains above ground of the Bronze Age hut and burial mound or Iron Age settlement, a prehistoric, and later Roman, road runs along the parish boundary, which elsewhere still retains its Saxon ditch. The churchyard and parts of the church are Norman, while a number of hamlets are mediaeval, and many hedges record the shape of the mediaeval open fields and strips. The form of the village reflects its heyday as a market town, while many houses date to the early 17th century. Industry and agricultural change in the 18th and 19th centuries have left their mark on the landscape, and the 20th century revival of the village has radically altered its shape. All these features have had their impact on local flora and fauna, but these in turn have had their part to play in Codicote’s history, as we hope to show.

There will be several strands to the research, which will be combined to give an integrated picture of Codicote’s history. The high tech side will involve the use of a computer, the latest software, including geographical information systems, and data such as digital versions of maps from various periods in history. The more traditional side will involve practical investigation of the village and surrounding countryside, studying old documents, and interviewing long-term residents of the village, amongst other approaches.

The interpretation and presentation of the results will, likewise, take several forms. Two or more leaflets will be produced, interpretation boards will be erected around the parish and plaques installed on historic buildings. There will be several one-day exhibitions, and guided walks, talks, and workshops.

Thus the project will make use of a variety of interests and skills, and, importantly, will give participants the opportunity to learn and develop new skills. Free training will be available where necessary. There will also be the chance to meet new friends and feel that you are achieving something really worthwhile for Codicote.

There will be many opportunities to get involved in this exciting project over the next three years, but I should be interested in hearing, as soon as possible, from residents of any age who are keen to help launch the project, including, for example, people who can guide us in relation to computers or surveying, or who would be willing to serve on the steering committee. There is no need to be a member of one of the founding organisations. You don’t even need to interested in history or the environment. There will still be plenty you can contribute to, and get out of, this fun project!

In addition to hearing from individuals, I would also like to be contacted by representatives of the other groups in the village. We would like to come along to your meetings to explain our project to your members and show how they can get involved. We hope to be able to offer you a talk, walk, exhibition or workshop.

History, and particularly landscape history, is not a minority interest, it is a subject relevant to everything that we do in our World today and tomorrow. It is also an activity which can bring a community together and greatly strengthen it, as Codicote Local History Society has shown over the last 26 years. Give me a call on 01438 821849 and become part of a very exciting venture for our parish!

Nicholas Maddex

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